Genshin FPS Unlocker v2.1.4 – Download FPS Unlocker for Genshin Impact

Genshin FPS Unlocker is a tool that removes the built-in 60 fps limit in the game, allowing you to run it at higher frame rates for smoother gameplay. It works by injecting code into the game’s process to overwrite the fps cap.

Through this page, you can Download Genshin Impact FPS Unlocker Latest Version for free.

An Overview: Genshin FPS Unlocker

Genshin Impact caps frame rate (fps) at 60, even on powerful PCs, leading to potentially choppy gameplay. Genshin FPS Unlocker is a tool that bypasses this limitation, allowing you to run the game at higher fps for smoother visuals.

How it works:

  1. Injection: The unlocker injects code into the game’s memory, essentially tricking it into thinking there’s no fps cap.
  2. Override: This injected code replaces the internal value setting the 60 fps limit with your desired fps.
  3. Unleashed: Genshin Impact runs freely, rendering frames as fast as your hardware allows.


  • Smoother gameplay: Higher fps eliminates stuttering and visual jank, especially noticeable in fast-paced combat or movement.
  • Competitive edge: In certain situations, higher fps can offer a slight reaction time advantage.
  • Visual delight: High-end PCs can showcase their full potential, providing a more visually stunning experience.


  • Risk of instability: Injecting code can cause crashes or unexpected behavior, especially with game updates.
  • Potential ban: Using third-party tools may violate Genshin Impact’s terms of service, leading to account suspensions.
  • Hardware limitations: Pushing your hardware beyond its capabilities can lead to overheating or performance issues.


Free & Open-Source

Unleash smooth Teyvat adventures! Genshin FPS Unlocker is completely free and open-source, letting you customize your frame rate for a buttery-smooth experience. No hidden costs, just pure performance potential.

Easy to Use

Genshin FPS Unlocker’s intuitive design makes boosting your frame rate a breeze. No command lines or code fuss, maximizing performance without encountering cumbersome configuration or scripting complexities.

Frequent Updates

Driven by frequent updates backed by dedicated community and contributors, the Genshin FPS Unlocker remains consistently updated and finely tuned. It stays at the forefront, aligning seamlessly with each new game patch, thereby guaranteeing optimal compatibility and performance.

Download Genshin FPS Unlocker

File Name




Official Source


1.38 MB

Released On

Nov 16, 2023





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What is Genshin FPS Unlocker?

Genshin FPS Unlocker removes the 60 fps limit in Genshin Impact, allowing you to play at higher frame rates for smoother gameplay.

Is it safe to use?

While free and open-source, using third-party tools like FPS unlockers carries potential risks, including account bans (violating terms of service), crashes, and instability. Proceed with caution and consider alternatives like optimizing graphics settings.

How easy is it to use?

Genshin FPS Unlocker aims for an intuitive interface, but installation and troubleshooting may involve technical steps. Consider your comfort level before proceeding.

How often Genshin FPS Unlocker is updated?

The unlocker receives frequent updates thanks to a dedicated community and contributors, ensuring compatibility with new patches and drivers.

Will My PC Handle High FPS?

Pushing your hardware beyond its capabilities can lead to overheating or performance issues. Check your PC’s specs and consider online comparisons. Don’t force your hardware if unsure. Enjoy smooth gameplay within the safe limits, or consider upgrading for a truly optimized Teyvat experience.